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Portfolio production

  • With no format imposed, the richness of the portfolio produced by the students is amazing. The format is constrained but it has to be in electronic form. 50% of the students see it as an opportunity: as the Figure below displays, we had a full HD movie! a comic strip! documents with hyperlinks, heuristic maps, Sway® or Prezi® enhanced documents, newspaper.


Examples: On the Underground map, lines represent aspects of competency whereas metro stations and crossings refer to external video or classes documents. The green tree rooted in past cursus and strength while the foliage opens on sustainability values and some working experience. The comic strip compares what life would be if the students had done classical technical studies and what life is as an MSEI student. A student wrote a “letter to my future children: the engineer I’d like to be’. Another (professional) student talked about failures in past jobs and analysed how to do differently with a sustainable perspective, including stakeholder issues. Another student questioned the impact of tourism on local cultures and how to engineer a more sustainable cultural exchange.

  • The electronic format facilitates the sharing between all teachers. For each production, we have managed to get at least 3 teachers appreciations. It takes 40 – 80 minutes to read each production and teachers take 2months to finish reading the 24 portfolios.

  • Since a reflexive thinking may sometimes refer to very private events, we warn the student about their rights to privacy and the portfolios are neither archived nor shared outside the teacher’s team.

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